PODCAST | research

Children’s digital skills positively affect learning outcomes

Programma: Cattolicathinks

The European ySKILLS project, which started in January 2020 and will last until December 2023, includes 14 Universities from 13 countries (Italy among them). ySKILLS examines both risks and opportunities related to the use of ICT by children and adolescents (aged 12 to 17) as well as their digital skills to understand the potential of digital skills as a strategy to boost the resilience of children, and the link between digital skills and children’s wellbeing. Listen to the presentation of Giovanna Mascheroni, professor of Sociology at Università Cattolica, member of the ySKILLS Executive Board and lead author of one of the two reports of the project.

11 novembre 2020 | 06:11


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