The ceremony continued with keynote addresses by Nobel Laureate Gbowee and Professor Aryeetey, both united by the transformative power of education.
It is no coincidence that Leymah Gbowee, who through her women's movement played a decisive role in ending the second civil war in Liberia and facilitating peace-building, recounted that, following the award, she dedicated herself to creating a foundation to enable girls to study. This is precisely what the Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa (GPFA), based in Monrovia, Liberia, continues to do, offering educational development and leadership opportunities for women and youth.
“I am convinced that education is a life insurance, and that education is a 360-degree investment. Because one does not study merely to enrich oneself but to transform oneself and the world, to give dignity to people, to understand that, regardless of skin colour, we are all human beings and must respect each other.” For this reason, the Nobel Peace Laureate believes that “the essence of peace is not the absence of war, but the creation of conditions that give dignity to all. If everyone in a country can say they live ‘in dignity’, then there is peace in that country. The value of education lies in recognising the humanity of the other. In this perspective, the exchange between Università Cattolica and Africa is important for intellectual dialogue, research, and the recognition of mutual gifts and talents.”