NEWS | Rome

Medicine, great privilege and extraordinary responsibility

11 ottobre 2024

Medicine, great privilege and extraordinary responsibility

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“Medicine is a unique and extraordinary career choice that allows a doctor to choose between areas of research and fields of activity of great social impact: for this reason it is valuable and different from almost any other profession and implies a commitment to lifelong learning, adaptation to new and continuous developments, challenge of established dogmas and constant search for new therapeutic approaches for patients. For you, the young doctors of tomorrow, it is both a privilege and a responsibility” ‒ so said Professor Ajay Shah, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine at King’s College London, in his Keynote Address at the White Coat ceremony that took place on 10 October in the Auditorium of Università Cattolica’s Rome campus, addressing the students of the Medicine and Surgery degree programme at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University.

The ceremony ‒ which in Italy represents a rite of passage between the end of the third and the beginning of the fourth year of the programme in which, through the donning of the white coat, future doctors enter the phase of clinical studies ‒ opened with institutional greetings from Professor Alessandro Sgambato, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery: “It is a great privilege for us, doctors and professors, to have you here today, on an important day both for the moment of the donning of your first white coat and for the proclamation of the Hippocratic Oath, which will have words of care, compassion, science and humanity: exactly the vocation and mission of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Università Cattolica and Policlinico Gemelli”.

An article by

Federica Mancinelli

Federica Mancinelli

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It is precisely in the wards of Policlinico Universitario “Agostino Gemelli” IRCSS that the fourth-year students will now officially enter, wearing their new white coats: “You are about to meet, treat and care for all your patients and it will be in the wards that you will experience what we will soon begin to experience here: a precious intergenerational passage, a transmission of values and knowledge, thanks to your teachers and professors.”, Prof. Sgambato said.

“This day marks a great change in your personal and professional lives” ‒ added Don Alessandro Mantini, Professor of Theology and Pastoral Assistant on the Rome campus. “Yours will not just be a job, but a vocation: you will be dealing with fragile, vulnerable people, and this white coat truly represents your mission: to always recognise and care, along with health, for the dignity of each of your patients.”

Retracing the origin and history of White Coat ceremonies around the world, the Coating ceremony on the Rome campus was introduced by Professor Giovanni Gambassi, President of the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery: “Today’s ceremony marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey for you students of Class 2027, a journey that will challenge, inspire and transform you into the doctors of tomorrow. Now all of you, wearing your white coats, will experience a sense of a new journey and an immeasurable confidence, passed on by those who have come before you.”

“I am convinced” ‒ Gambassi concluded ‒ “that you students of the Class of 2027 as doctors will light the way with pioneering ideas and revolutionary solutions to combat disease, alleviate suffering and bring about positive change around the world. Most importantly, you will relentlessly cultivate a desire to make a difference in the lives of individual patients by providing them with the best care with empathy, integrity and professionalism.”

And, wearing their white coats, the students listened excitedly to the Keynote address by Professor Shah who, retracing his own biography, first as a student and then as a doctor and professor, conveyed with conviction and passion the main values of being a doctor: solid preparation, continuous teamwork, a careful look at the sick person, an overall vision in the clinical approach, continuous updating in innovations and technologies, courage and wisdom in making choices, and great confidence in oneself and one’s own abilities.

At the end of the ceremony, the solemn proclamation of the Hippocratic Oath led by Dr. Camilla Marandola, Alumna of the Class of 2023, with the words that over the millennia have summed up the essence of the art of medicine, which is both caring for the sick person and taking care of the sick person in science, compassion and conscience: at the same time, indeed, a great privilege and an extraordinary responsibility.


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