NEWS | piacenza

Best Dissertation Award: Sara Macaccaro's dissertation has been rewarded

28 settembre 2021

Best Dissertation Award: Sara Macaccaro's dissertation has been rewarded

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A dissertation on the economic impact of the pandemic has earned Sara Maccaccaro, 24, from Pavia, the degree award wanted by Confindustria Piacenza and the Faculty of Economics and Law of Università Cattolica to honor the memory of Cesare Betti, director of the Associazione Industriali of Piacenza who died last year because of Covid-19.

The award ceremony took place in the Mazzocchi auditorium of the campus in Piacenza, where the girl, who after three months of internship in Hong Kong now works in close contact with the foreign market, graduated. Professor Emanuele Vendramini, Director of the Master's degree in Global Business Management, introduced the brief ceremony: "An award wanted by Confindustria Piacenza and the Faculty of Economics and Law of Università Cattolica to honor the memory of Cesare Betti and his strong propensity for internationalization. Betti has always supported the process of supranational opening of this seat: hence the idea, supported by Confindustria, to announce an award for a graduate of the Global Business Management course, the master's degree completely delivered in English and that makes the international dimension its distinctive feature".

The President of Confindustria Rolleri, present at the award ceremony together with Luca Groppi, the Director who replaced Cesare Betti last year, explained how they wanted to "follow the path traced by Betti, his great attention to the school and in particular to the university". He added: "We believe that the best way to remember him is the establishment of this scholarship to support young people in their learning path".

In the speech of Professor Laura Zoni, Director of the BSc in International Management, the memory of a Cesare Betti who has always been close to the university world: "He has been on our side since the beginning, 15 years ago, when Piacenza dreamed of becoming a point of reference for internationalization. It was a dream that we have now realized".

These words were echoed by Professor Mariacristina Piva, Vice Dean of the Faculty, who stressed how an international perspective is essential even in the local economy.

Un articolo di

Sabrina Cliti

Sabrina Cliti

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