Like every year, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is preparing to live the Advent and Christmas season with a rich programme of initiatives that will involve all the campuses. Among moments of prayer, concerts, solidarity activities and convivial occasions, the University renews its tradition of creating spaces for sharing and reflection for the whole university community.
Two meetings have been directly promoted by Rector Elena Beccalli. The first is scheduled for Thursday, 12 December at 4 pm, with a greeting ceremony to be held in the Aula Magna of the Milan campus. The event will be streamed live on the Brescia campus (in the Sala della Gloria in via Trieste and in Aula 1 in Mompiano), on the Piacenza campus (in Aula Delta in the Law Building) and on the Cremona campus (in Aula B005 in the Corpo Aule). At the Rome campus the exchange of greetings with the Rector will be held on Tuesday 17 December in the Sala Italia of the Congress Centre, immediately after the Eucharistic celebration at 12.30 pm.
The celebration of Holy Mass in preparation for Christmas on the Milan campus will be held on Tuesday 10 December at 12.30 pm in the Aula Magna. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, will preside over the Eucharistic celebration. This will be followed, at 1.15 pm, by the inauguration of the Nativity scene in the Cortile d'Onore Leone XIII.
On the evening of Thursday 12 December, in the Aula Magna, the traditional appointment with music with the concert “Merrily on High”. The soloists, choir and instrumental ensemble of the Studium Musicale di Ateneo will perform. Free admission with prior booking.
In Brescia, Holy Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 17 December, at 12.30 pm, at the campus chapel in via Trieste. Don Lorenzo Bacchetta, who has been appointed by the bishop as head of the Service for the University of the Diocese of Brescia since June, will preside. Following this, students, lecturers and technical-administrative staff are invited for a small convivial moment to exchange greetings.
The Cremona campus Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday 11 December at 1.30 pm in the Chapel of the Santa Monica campus. The Bishop of Cremona, Monsignor Antonio Napolioni, will preside.
In Piacenza the Holy Mass was celebrated on Tuesday 3 December in the university chapel of the campus and was presided over by the bishop of the diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio, Monsignor Adriano Cevolotto. Bishop Emeritus Monsignor Gianni Ambrosio concelebrated.
The Christmas calendar of the Roman See was inaugurated on Tuesday 3 December with a now classic appointment: the Panendorata. A convivial and musical moment promoted by Università Cattolica, the Intercollegiate Organising Council and Educatt. This year the event raised funds for the Maternity Project of the Santa Gemma Hospital in Dodoma, Tanzania.
On Tuesday, 17 December, the Christmas Preparation Mass will be held in the campus Central Church at 12.30 pm. Monsignor Claudio Giuliodori, General Ecclesiastical Assistant of the University, will preside over the celebration.
In addition, for the entire period of Advent, from Monday 2 to Tuesday 24 December, every day at 8.30 am, from Monday to Friday, the Eucharistic Celebrations will be broadcast live on TV2000 from the “San Giovanni Paolo II” Chapel, in the Hall of the Policlinico Gemelli, in collaboration with the Pastoral Centre of the University and the Gemelli Chaplaincy.
A Christmas in solidarity to do good by feeling good. This is the aim of Casa Fogliani’s Christmas catalogue, which proposes a selection of products designed not only to make the festive season special, but also to contribute to a solidarity project aimed at providing all-round support and assistance to young students in financial difficulty at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. A unique opportunity for those who wish to combine social commitment with the choice of sustainable and quality gifts.
Photo: Gerardo Dottori, La Natività, 1930, olio su tela, Roma, Galleria d’Arte Moderna