NEWS | Rome

Daniele Franco Chairman of the new Board of Directors of Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS

27 settembre 2024

Daniele Franco Chairman of the new Board of Directors of Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS

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The Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS has a new Board of Directors. Presiding over the board is Daniele Franco, appointed by the Rector of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Professor Elena Beccalli, in agreement with the President of Istituto Giuseppe Toniolo di Studi Superiori, the Archbishop of Milan Mario Delpini. Daniele Franco, former Minister of Economy and Finance, State Accountant General and Director General of the Bank of Italy, takes over from Avv. Carlo Fratta Pasini, who has reached the end of his term.

A private nonprofit foundation established in 2015 by Università Cattolica and Toniolo Institute, it is governed by a Board of Directors composed by 11 members which, according to its bylaws, will serve until the approval of the 2027 fiscal year budget. The President and members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, appointed by the competent bodies, were presented Thursday, September 26, by the Rector of the University and the Vice President of the Toniolo Institute Giuseppe Fioroni at the meeting of the Board of Directors of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, which met in Milan.

The Foundation’s Board of Directors is composed as follows:

Chairman: Dr. Daniele Franco

designated members: Prof. Massimo Antonelli; Prof. Elena Beccalli; Dr. Guido Carpani; Prof. Giuseppe Fioroni; Dr. Giuseppe Fontana; Prof. Antonio Gasbarrini; Msgr. Claudio Giuliodori; Dr. Salvatore Nastasi; Dr. Maria Rosa Russo; Prof. Giampaolo Tortora.

The new board will be tasked with guiding the health care and research activities of Policlinico Gemelli in close coordination and synergy with those of the University, headed by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. All this while remaining faithful to the Christian vision of the sick person and the vocation for excellence that have marked the birth and work of Policlinico Gemelli, which celebrated its 60th anniversary on July 10.

“I would like to thank and wish good work to Dr. Daniele Franco, who has generously and enthusiastically accepted the position of Chairman; I am sure that he will be able to lead the Foundation's Board of Directors with absolute competence, ensuring full guarantee and protection for the institution,” said Rector Elena Beccalli. “I express my heartfelt thanks to the outgoing Board of Directors and its Chairman Avv. Fratta Pasini, for the balance and professionalism with which they have interpreted their mandate during the four-year term.” The Rector went on to highlight how “Policlinico Gemelli represents a national health care hub that aims to balance economic sustainability and quality in the mission of universalist vocation care ensured to all, especially the less affluent. An excellence in national health care, recognized in international rankings as the top hospital in Italy and among the top hospitals in the world. Results achieved by virtue of a valuable and inseparable link between clinical, research and educational activities, made possible by the interaction with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.” Finally, the Rector recalled that the new governance will be able to rely “on the daily dedication of all components of the Gemelli community, always supported by the University."

Archbishop Delpini reminded that “the Toniolo Institute is responsible for ensuring the orientation, goals and values that inspire the University and Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli.” With particular regard to Policlinico, he gratefully noted “the hard work done by the outgoing Board of Directors.” He was also keen to reiterate how “the Catholic physiognomy of Policlinico Gemelli is realized in holding firm the link between unconditional service to the person and scientific research of excellence. Tangible expression of a vocation to care that is implemented, day after day, with that dedication that characterizes those who serve institutions with a view to contributing to the common good. And, at the same time, in the custody of the principle of solidarity, to which managers and health personnel are called to inspire their work for their own edification and that of the whole society.”

Università Cattolica and Toniolo Institute with these appointments trust that they can always count on the closeness and support of all institutions ‒ national, regional, ecclesial ‒ in a spirit of fruitful cooperation. This synergy will create the best conditions for Gemelli to remain an authoritative reference for the national health service.

Daniele Franco (Trichiana, June 7, 1953) is an Italian economist, banker and civil servant. He was the 20th State Accountant General from 2013 to 2019, then Director General of the Bank of Italy from January 1, 2020 until February 13, 2021, when he was appointed Minister of Economy and Finance in the Draghi government (2021-2022).

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