News | Cremona
«Rincorrete i vostri sogni, senza paura»
Sabato 6 maggio nel campus di Santa Monica la cerimonia di consegna dei diplomi ai laureati dell’anno accademico 2021-22. Le parole del vescovo Antonio Napolioni
| Sabrina Cliti
30 giugno 2023
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The Graduation Day of the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery will be held on Friday, July 7 at 5 p.m., in the Auditorium of Università Cattolica - Rome campus. This will be the ceremony for the 41 graduating students of the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery which is entirely taught in English and has been activated in the 2013-2014 academic year at the University's Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
The event will be opened at 5 p.m. with the institutional greetings of Piersandro Cocconcelli, Pro-rector of Università Cattolica and Antonio Gasbarrini, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and with the message of greeting to the graduating students by Giovanni Gambassi, Director of the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery.
At 6 p.m. the Commencement Speech given by Professor Abraham Verghese, professor in the
Department of Medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine and author of numerous books, distributed and translated throughout the world.
At 6:20 p.m., the Graduation Ceremony will take place with the proclamation of the new doctors in Medicine and Surgery.
The event can be followed via live streaming by connecting to the homepage of the University's Rome Campus.