It will be Professor Ignazio Marino, Executive Vice President for Jefferson International Innovative Strategic Ventures at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, who will deliver the keynote address at the White Coat ceremony of the integrated six-year degree programme in Medicine and Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Università Cattolica to be held on Thursday 12 October at 5.30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the University's Rome campus.
The institutional greetings of Professor Alessandro Sgambato, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at Università Cattolica, and the introduction by Professor Giovanni Gambassi, President of the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery will open the ceremony, which in Italy represents a rite of passage between the end of the third and the beginning of the fourth year of the programme, with which, through the donning of the white coat, future doctors enter the phase of clinical studies.
At 5.50 p.m. the Coating ceremony will take place, followed by the keynote address by Ignazio Marino, Professor of Surgery at Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University and Executive Vice President for Jefferson International Innovative Strategic Ventures, Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health.
At 6.55 p.m. Dr Francesco Iadevaia, a graduate of Medicine and Surgery in the Class of 2021, will solemnly proclaim the Hippocratic Oath.
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