NEWS | Rome

Medicine, an ongoing commitment to excellence and humanity

08 luglio 2024

Medicine, an ongoing commitment to excellence and humanity

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"As you move from the role of student to that of doctor, remember the core values that have guided you so far: empathy, integrity and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Medicine is not just a career: it is a lifelong commitment to the well-being of your patients. You are entrusted with their stories, their vulnerabilities and their hopes. You have both enormous responsibility and an extraordinary privilege': these were some of the most heartfelt and meaningful words that Dr. Frank Grenier, Chief Operations Officer of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme and Alumnus of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at Università Cattolica, addressed to the 35 graduating students in Medicine and Surgery during his Commencement Speech on Graduation Day celebrated on 5 July in the Auditorium of the University's Rome campus.

The graduation ceremony, held in the presence of the lecturers and professors, the graduating students’ families, the administrative authorities and the campus staff, was opened by Prof. Antonio Gasbarrini, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery: "Today is an important day for our entire university community. Looking at you I am reminded of my university years, my study experiences abroad, and at the same time I think of your future”. "The Italian health system - continued the Dean - has the great distinction of guaranteeing health for everyone: this is why, since their foundation, the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and the university hospital Policlinico Gemelli have been training doctors with a special aptitude, teaching students not only how to treat illnesses, but also how to take care of people. This is our wish for all of you: to be not only good doctors, but also good, supportive and compassionate people, truly able to be at the side of every patient'.


Federica Mancinelli

Federica Mancinelli

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Before the ceremony, father Alessandro Mantini, lecturer of Theology and pastoral assistant on the Rome campus, brought a greeting message to the graduating students on behalf of the University Pastoral Centre: "We wish you two special gifts for your future: wisdom and intelligence. Following the 'dream' of Father Gemelli and Armida Barelli, we encourage you to be knowledgeable doctors, able to help people, to always seek a horizon of meaning in your life that honours the mission to serve." "Learn to look into the eyes of your patients," he concluded, "learn to be close to them, learn, together and thanks to your skills and knowledge, to build authentic relationships with them.”

Medicine as Commitment, based on the core values of empathy, integrity and excellence, was the main theme of the Commencement Speech in which Dr. Frank Grenier urged new doctors to understand the importance of lifelong learning, compassion, which is essential for healing, in addition to the necessary medical knowledge and technical skills: "You are entering the field of medicine at a time of unprecedented challenges," continued Dr. Grenier. "The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of healthcare and resilience of all those who contribute to it. Don't forget that global health is also about ensuring health equity, addressing inequalities, embracing different cultures and engaging in initiatives outside your local contexts, whenever you have the opportunity'.

Before introducing the speech, Prof. Giovanni Gambassi, President of the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery, addressed a heartfelt message to all the graduating students: "A graduation ceremony is an important moment to reflect on the many ways in which you will apply what you have learnt, to leave your mark on the world, at a time when the challenges we face are increasingly complex: to overcome them you will have to use your knowledge, skills and talents and face the future with passion and determination, with new perspectives and towards new solutions". "In this way," he continued, "you will inevitably discover the leader within you and, with your hard-won knowledge and skills, and a profound motivation that gives you the strength to persevere, I have no doubt that you will rise to every situation, to transform your communities, your countries and the planet, knowing that our and your future will depend on it.”

There were two special mentions this year: to Alessandro Gravina for the best curriculum studiorum (Valedictorian award), and to May Dvir for her role as coordinator and continuous support and assistance to the class.

The event closed with the solemn proclamation of the new doctors, the traditional joyful 'throwing of the graduation caps' and a big celebration on campus in which Dr. Frank Grenier's closing words resounded: 'Take a moment these days to reflect on all the people who have accompanied and supported you on this journey: your professors and lecturers, your families, your friends, your fellow students and even yourself with your strength and determination; they have all played a vital role. Express your gratitude to them, because their encouragement, patience and firm belief in your potential helped you reach this great milestone.”


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